PLEASE READ THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS WEBSITE, REGISTERING FOR ANY EVENTS OR SUBMITTING ANY INFORMATION. Your use of this website shall be deemed to be an acceptance of the following terms and conditions.
1. Acceptance
Notwithstanding the lack of a signed acceptance by you, you shall be deemed to have read the terms herein and agreed to be bound by them, upon first use of this website.
2. Confidentiality
You shall be responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your email and other personal / confidential information you may provide to us. You shall be responsible and take all necessary precautions to prevent unauthorised access to your account or your computer.
3. Right of Cancellation
Care Corner Singapore Ltd (“Care Corner”) reserves the right to cancel any notice, event, or service provided on the Website without prior notice. We will inform you of such cancellation as soon as is practicable.
Please note that nothing on this Website constitutes an offer by Care Corner. Where you have applied for a course, event or service with us, we will send you a separate written confirmation that your application has been accepted.
Where you have applied to us to work with us, nothing shall be deemed an offer until Care Corner has executed a letter of employment in writing with you.
4. Warranties and Representations by You
You warrant and undertake to Care Corner that you are above the age of 21 years old, and that all information provided to us is true, accurate and complete.
5. Exclusion of Liability
Care Corner assumes no responsibility whatsoever and shall not be liable for any and all claims, damages, losses, expenses, costs or liabilities (including without limitation, any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental or consequential damages) arising from the use of information taken from this website or from that of other companies that have placed links to their site on this website.
As a separate and independent clause, and without limiting the protections of any other clause in this Agreement, Care Corner shall not be liable for any loss arising from damage to any computer systems, loss or corruption of data, and/or loss of profits or revenue in any event.
6. Disclaimer
All contents contained in or accessed through Care Corner’s website are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis and user agrees to use them at their sole risk. Care Corner expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, to the fullest extent allowed by law, including warranties as to accuracy or correctness of the information.
Without prejudice to the foregoing, Care Corner make no warranty as to the accuracy, reliability or quality of any content or service obtained through this website or any defects therein will be corrected and that such content and access to them are error free and uninterrupted or available at all times.
7. Electronic Payment Transactions
In respect of any electronic payment transactions, you shall also be bound by the terms and conditions of the respective payment platform, credit card companies and/or the issuing bank or institution.
Care Corner shall in no manner be liable for the fraudulent use, misuse or otherwise wrongful use of any electronic payment platform, credit card or other facilities.
8. Intellectual Property Rights
All technology, content, images and/or information provided to or otherwise available to you through this website are the property of Care Corner and/or its respective owners.
Use of this website does not confer any right to use any content, images or other copyright(s), trademark(s) or product / service trade name(s) used, owned or registered by Care Corner or the respective owners. Prior written approval must be obtained from the relevant parties prior to any use.
9. Conduct
Misuse of this website to cause interruption, impairment, damage and/or harassment in any way to the website or other users may render you liable to civil and criminal prosecution.
Care Corner expressly reserves the right to report any misconduct or suspicious activity to the necessary authorities, and disclose any information that has been provided to us.
10. Breach of Data
Care Corner shall take reasonable measures to safeguard the data provided to us through this website, in accordance with our Privacy Policy appended below.
HOWEVER, Care Corner cannot ensure that malicious parties will not attempt to steal such information. In such event, Care Corner shall not be liable to you for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from the actions of such malicious parties.
11. Routine and Emergency Maintenance
Care Corner shall have the right to conduct routine or emergency maintenance, improvement works, repair works or other works that may cause interruptions to the services provided. Care Corner shall endeavour to give prior notice by posting the dates and times of such works on the website.
Care Corner shall also have the right to change, from time to time, its operating procedures, including but not limited to its access procedures, hours of operation, menu structures, commands, documentation, and services offered.
12. Indemnity
You undertake that you will keep Care Corner fully indemnified (on an indemnity basis) against all actions, claims, proceedings, costs and damages (including any damages or compensation paid by Care Corner on the advice of its legal advisers to compromise or settle any claim) and all legal costs or other expenses on an indemnity basis arising out of any misuse of the website or otherwise a breach of the terms contained herein or any of the warranties or representations made by you.
13. Limitation on Liability
Save as otherwise stated in this website, which shall constitute the total aggregate liability of Care Corner towards you, Care Corner shall not be liable to you in any other manner.
14. Electronic Communications
You agree that all notices to you shall be sent to you electronically to the email, mobile phone or other prevailing forms of electronic contact (“Contact Particulars”) stated in the information provided to us. It shall be your obligation to inform us of any changes to your Contact Particulars. You further agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other information sent by us to your designated Contact Particulars shall satisfy any legal requirement that such communication be in writing and/or brought to your notice.
15. Exclusion of Contracts (Right of Third Parties) Act
Save as expressly stated herein, a person/body corporate who is not a party to this Agreement has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act to enforce any term of this Agreement
16. Applicable Law
By accessing Care Corner’s website and online services, user agrees that such access and/or use, as well as this policy are construed in accordance with, and governed by the laws of the Republic of Singapore and hereby submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Singapore courts.
17. Dispute Resolution
Parties (meaning you and Care Corner) agree that in the event of any dispute arising from your use of this Website, that Parties shall first attempt to amicably resolve such disputes through mutual discussions in good faith.
In the event that the Parties fail to resolve the dispute by mutual negotiations in good faith within thirty (30) days of it arising, either Party may give notice in writing to the other Party of its intention to require resolution of such dispute through mediation at the Singapore Mediation Centre (“SMC”) in accordance with SMC’s Mediation Procedure in force for the time being, and the Party giving notice may submit a request to mediate to SMC upon which the other Party will be bound to participate in the mediation within forty-five (45) days thereof. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, the Mediator(s) will be appointed by SMC. The mediation will take place in Singapore in the English language and the Parties agree to be bound by any settlement agreement reached.
In the event that the Parties fail to resolve the dispute, either Party shall submit the dispute for final resolution to the courts of Singapore, which courts shall thereafter have exclusive jurisdiction.
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