Most adult Singaporeans spend a majority of their day at the workplace. Thus, it is a key setting for addressing mental health issues and promoting mental wellbeing practices.
By creating the right type of support structures and conducive working environments, organisations can make a positive impact on their employee’s mental wellness.
Care Corner supports organisations through the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP). Our holistic approach includes:
- Mental health talks to equip employees with coping skills and strategies, to build mental resilience with stress, anxiety and depression and build on self-compassion
- Counselling services for employees
- In-house peer support / mental health ambassadors trainings
For those undergoing job transitions, we also provide community support groups to help individuals cope better with career changes and challenges.
Access to professional counselling team to address your employee’s mental health
Conduct workshops and talks to equip employees with coping skills and strategies to build mental resilience
Provide training to in-house peer supporters, HR team, and managers to support employees with mental health challenges
Ways We Support

Education and Outreach
We conduct mental health talks and workshops in the community setting and at the workplace. The talks can be thematically broad or catered to the needs of the organisation, past topics include:
- Emotional regulation
- Understanding stress, anxiety and depression
- Coping mechanisms to overcome life stressors and building resilience
- Self compassion
- Relationship-building
Contact us if you would like to engage our team of professionals to conduct talks or workshops for your organisation.

Community Support Groups
We provide a safe space for adults undergoing job transition to share their experiences and gain insights from one another. Facilitated by our professional counsellors, our support group sessions cover topics including:
- Self-awareness of stressors and resources
- Coping styles, strengths and skills
- Nurturing self-compassion
This is a pilot project in collaboration with Workforce Singapore.

Employee Assistance Programmes (EAP)
Through the EAP, we aim to benefit employees with or at risk of having mental health issues by helping to create an inclusive and supportive workplace through:
- Counselling Services: Confidential and facilitated by our professional counsellors
- Educational Talks: To equip employees with coping skills and strategies and build mental resilience
- Peer Support Specialist Training: For mental health ambassadors and HR , to better support their colleagues
Our counsellors at Care Corner Counselling Centre are professionally trained with minimum Master’s Degree and registered with the Singapore Association for Counselling.
They are passionate to journey with individuals, couples and families who are navigating through life’s challenges, or looking to make positive growth in their lives.
Get In Touch
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6 Woodlands Square #03-01 Woods Square Tower 2 Singapore 737737
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6250 6813 -
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Difference Today
Giving is more than just making a donation, it is about making a difference. You can play a pivotal role in uplifting the lives of those we serve through our work with vulnerable children, youths, families, seniors, and individuals who need mental health and counselling support.